Equable Shares mutual funds are managed by Teramo Advisors, an investment firm specializing in defensive strategies

Ronald A. Santella
Founder, CEO & CIO
35+ years in financial markets
Founded two hedge funds focused on volatility arbitrage
Served as CEO at an institutional brokerage firm
Advised investment firms on new product development

Chris Lauro
Senior Managing Director, Sales
15+ years of experience in sales and client service
Developed and executed strategic sales initiatives across multiple investment vehicles and asset classes
Experience with retail and institutional investors

Cody Lambert
Senior Operations Manager

Matt Mullen
Chief Operating Officer
Experience as a Managing Member for a Real Estate investment group
3+ years of service in the United States Navy as a Search and Rescue Swimmer
Previous experience in Operations
10+ years of experience in finance and accounting
Sr. Assistant Director of Finance for one of Marriott's top fee producing hotels
Experience in financial statement analysis, internal audit & management operations

Eric J. Kleinschmidt
Chief Compliance Officer
27+ years in the Financial Services industry
Creates and manages compliance programs for RIAs
Experience with assessing operational effectiveness and applying regulatory policies and diligent oversight in order to mitigate risk

Chapman and Cutler LLP